Welcome to The Guitar Conversation – a forum to foster discussion and an exchange of ideas on topics related to the guitar and its ever changing historical, social and cultural context.

The Guitar Conversation will host presentations by leading performers, scholars and luthiers, while also welcoming other musicians and practitioners who can further enrich our understanding of the guitar. The Conversation will provide an opportunity for participants to contribute based on their own musical journey and experiences.

These conversations will be broad ranging and unrestrained, taking us down engaging, informative and unexpected pathways. We look forward to welcoming you to one of our Conversations.

The Guitar Conversation – Beyond the Notes

I am delighted to report that the first of the Guitar Conversations ran most successfully last Tuesday, September 17.

Many thanks to John Williams and Richard Savino for their engaging and informative presentations, and for seeding many ideas that will hopefully continue to stimulate further Conversations into the future. And a special thank you to Steve Goss, Oliver Chandler and the Royal Academy of Music’s Research Department for helping to bring this first Conversation to fruition.

A recording of the complete Beyond the Notes will shortly be available on this website. Please consider subscribring to our mailing list for future updates.

Adrian Walter
Convener, The Guitar Conversation

The Conversation continues …

At the inaugural Conversation was a copy of an 1836 Guadagnini made by luthier Hanson Yao which I used as part of my presentation, and which was available for participants to try; and many did with very positive feedback. This was a good segue into the next Conversation, The Guadagnini ProjectClick here for more information on this Conversation.

We will keep you further informed about this project as planning progresses. 

Thank you again for all those who supported the first Conversation, through attendance or your interest via the website.  We look forward to welcoming you again at a future Conversation.